imagining how the church can reorient around mission

Perhaps the title of this blog is a bit too provocative, but I want to write a public apology.

UnknownThere has been quite a bit of blogging done recently about women in leadership of the church. I don’t want to comment much on that except to say that I am sad to have been one late to the party of affirming full equality for women in the church.

A position of non-equality simply did not make continuing sense for me as I attempted to flesh out a full-orbed theology of the Kingdom of God and it’s hopeful consummation and as I have been forced to contend with the apt and powerful (I say that in the most flattering Biblical way possible) of amazing women in my life. 

Coming face to face with the supernatural strength and grace (gifting) of:

My wife Robi, and daughter Karli Ingersoll, two of the most wonderfully formidable people (male or female) I’ve ever been blessed to be around. Not just them though. There has been a long line of wonderfully gifted women like Nancy Janzen, Christine Osgood, Deb Hirsch, Danielle Riggs, Janeen Steer, Liv Larsen Andrews, Rita Warren, just to name a few, all who by their grace, servanthood and patience challenged my “Complementarian” view without saying a word (ok, there have been some words :))

Do I regret the deliberateness of my journey? No. My commitment has always been to grapple with issues as honestly as possible. I have done that. To move beyond understanding, conscience and faith is, at least for me, dishonest. Something I am unwilling to do. 

However, in accordance with my shift, I will not only nod in assent on the issue of women in leadership of the church, but will intentionally seek the voice of females at Immanuel Church. The church desperately needs women to lead for it to be whole and beautiful…to represent Jesus fully in the world.


Edited Note: In re-reading my blog post, I realized that it may sound like I just arrived at this position. That is not the case. My conclusion was drawn some time ago now and the process extended over many years. I just wanted to make a clarifying statement in light of the many voices who are not demure about making statements to the contrary.