imagining how the church can reorient around mission

I am up early again on another beautiful Spokane morning. The mornings are the best in my city, cool and quiet. The heat of yesterday (high 90’s) has been subdued by the sun disappearing out of sight for a few hours and by the dry Spokane air that makes the hot weather here bearable. 

As I’ve done my morning chores with the dogs and find myself in my yard attempting quiet, I’ve invited my two beasts (Gus and Gordo)  to join me. While reading another chapter from the genuinely inspiring Mary Oliver book, Upstream, I find my two dogs tussling in front of me. At first, I am peeved by the distraction but as I let my mind drift, I find myself entranced by their, at least from my human brain interpreting what is going on, “attack dance.” Everything has a thing that it is supposed to do. Rivers run to the sea; trees grow to the sun and dogs put their mouths on each other (they also poop, pee sniff butts and bark at things that only they can see). They are being very “Dogly” and, are you ready for this…I think I like it. I find myself liking them for the first time in the last 40 hours. They are doing what dogs have always done.

I might just keep them…for now. 🙂


Click the link to take a peek at my early morning world:   Gus and Gordo being Dogs