imagining how the church can reorient around mission

90_12_58---Christmas-Candle_web Sometimes we find your love in the warmth of relationship.  In the embrace of a friend or in the believing words of a parent or in the intimacy of a life companion.  Sometimes that love even come as mystifying forgiveness from someone we have injured.

We find your love in the traditions of the Incarnation…family gatherings, the trees, the gifting, and the warm drinks…the Jesus story.

Sometimes we find your love in the words and the accounts of your people.  We hear of the heroes and the heroines both current and past who give without restraint, who provide for the stranger and the other…who even die for the Gospel story.

And finally we find your love in the sacrifice.  We find you as the defeated and triumphant one who was marred for us to live.  You gave that we might be whole.  You sacrificed so we could be touched and healed of our self-life.  You died in innocence so we might be seen as innocent.

We find your love in the warmth, the traditions and in the one holy sacrifice.

We will continue to be aware and full of Your love that cannot be measured or controlled.  We continue as ones who hope to look and act like the grand lover, Jesus

It is in His name we pray, Amen!