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Postures Toward War


Robi a
nd I had lunch with a woman
yesterday who had visited our church who is
a refugee from Iraq.  What
ensued was a fascinating conversation about her perspective of the war in her
land.  As is
the case every time this type of interaction happens, my paradigms
are stretched (sometimes exploded).  Being a cool purple church, I
was taken aback by her unapologetic pro-war talk (in my world it is rare to
find someone of that ilk – most in our world are de facto Bush haters).
She talked of the increase
d freedom for the church in Iraq that has been a
by-product of the war.  According to her, before the war there were no
evangelical churches allowed in Baghdad and now there are like nineteen of
them.  In fact, she spoke of one Baptist group who are actually officially
approved by the government.  She also informed me that Muslims in Iraq are
thrilled about the possibility of an Obama presidency (maybe more on that

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