imagining how the church can reorient around mission

Imgres-3  This quote is from a very powerful article written by Tim Keller – it is worth both a read and a study. The new should surely not throw out all that is old. The true genius of leadership is to extract the very best from the old, cut and pasting it into the new without losing the wonder of the organic. As students of the past, we know that an over reaction to the yester-year will leave us needing to learn her lessons again. Rather, lets keep the spaciousness of the organic, yet live with comfort and trust of architecture, shape and form.


I will be speaking about "Movements" from John 20 at our Connect conference next week in Germany. Here are some thoughts about the subject from my friend Chris Wienand…and Tim Keller. Click the link and take a read…also the Keller link on Chris' blog post is solid gold.  Check that as well.

OK, here are a few questions: Do we create movements?  What is our role? What are the key elements of a Missional Movement?

BTW – I will be posting from Germany on this topic as I give my talks and also reporting about the amazing missional activity of the tribe I am running with – Christian Associates.