imagining how the church can reorient around mission

Last Spring, in preparation to watching the new Star Trek movie, Trey and I watched all of the Star Trek movies. Generally it was quite enjoyable and humorous at times with some of the dated special effects and over the top acting (mostly from the Priceline King).

We watched the new movie and loved it, but we felt like we just did not get enough so we started watching episodes of “The Next Generation.” A little known fact: The original Start Trek ran a relatively short time, but The Next Generation ran a whopping 7 seasons with something 27 episodes per. Well, to make a long story shorter, we got sucked in and have been watching them ever since. We are presently mid-way through season 6. Ok, here is the ridiculous math – roughly 150 episodes so far equaling about 100 hours of viewing. It’s ok, you can say it, “Have you lost your mind?” Answer: Just maybe, but know this…we have fallen in love with the character, Jean Luc Picard (AKA Professor Xavier).

So, in honor of the season, Spokane’s incredibly frigid weather and our inexplicable addiction to Star Trek Next Gen…here ya go (dug up on YouTube by my son-in-law, Caleb Ingersoll). Enjoy and "Make it so!!!"


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