imagining how the church can reorient around mission

I am speaking at the Crossroads International Church of Amsterdam this next Sunday.  I had the treat of visiting there and teaching a seminar on the missional church this last Sunday.  It is the second church that was planted by Christian Associates (the first being Crossroads Geneva) and stands as arguably one of the most innovative and impactful churches in Europe. The worship is passionate and the new teaching pastor, James Paton is clear and insightful in his exposition of the Bible (with a wee Scottish accent as well).  It truly is a tremendous sign of the Kingdom of God in Western Europe.

Here is a shot of the service I attended – one of 3 

Actually, the picture was taken by my Dutch colleague, Rogier Bos.  I was actually paying attention to the sermon. J  As you can see, the church meets in the round and the speaker stands in the center of the crowd.  Kind of a cool vibe.  Hopefully, I don’t forget to turn like a rotisserie. If I forget, one part of the crowd will stare at my butt for an hour — AWKWARD!

Pray for me as I seek to encourage the brothers and sisters who attend there.  It is not only a privilege for me, but also a sacred trust to be able to share my life and heart with them.


One Response

  1. I like how you put that…”a sacred trust.” I am praying that you all will be blessed by God as he speaks through you on Sunday my dear! Wishing I were there and I think you have a nice front side and backside:-)! (I’m his wife and can say that in case anybody doesn’t know that)