imagining how the church can reorient around mission

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A Fine Day in Dublin


I had a wonderful time in Dublin today. Kevin Johnson
and myself were on our feet most of the day going from one place to another.  I am quite exhausted, but thrilled by
the experience.  Here’s where we
went and what we did.

We first made our way down to the city center and along
Grafton Street to
St. Stephen's Green
– a
lovely park
. We hung out along Grafton Street for some time
talking and for me, reminiscing of a trip I took some 15 years ago with Robi.   That time we toured with a group
of high school all-star basketball players. This time was more focused. It was
a fantastic time of chatting and dreaming about Christian Associates.
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Temple Bar District – Dublin


This is where I was last night about mid-night.  A very raw area at that time of night. (Kevin Johnson and I) – Pub after Pub after Pub.  1000's of 20 year olds, pulsating music (both live and disco), seriously jammed packed pubs, a few prostitutes, a whole lot of clutching and the "I have have had way too much to drink projectile pools" every now and then.  I probably don't need to say that KJ and I were just a little out of place as the sole 50 year olds in the pack. 🙂


Islamic Tension in Europe – One Case in Point


I knew I stood in the wrong line almost
immediately.  There were several
Irish couples (fifty-ish) and in front of them a young Muslim family of five.  The wife wore a "hijab" with full-face cover and I was wondering if
she was going to get through without disclosing who she was.  I wasn’t the only one.  As she went forward (with her family)
literally every one of the Irish folk careened their necks to see what would
happen.  Well, after a lengthy
wait, with lots of hand motions and consternation, she turned discretely toward
the customs-officer and revealed her face.

Ok, are you ready for what happened
next?  Wait, wait…ok.  The Irish people in line literally
applauded.  It was a public
outburst.  The young woman, after re-positioning her scarf, turn and looked back with a surprised and embarrassed look.  I was standing there not
really knowing what to think or feel – kind of staggered.  To be honest, I didn’t want her to get through
without disclosure for security reasons (regardless of religion or heritage), but
I was taken aback by the stridency of the white Europeans.  Standing behind one of the couples I
listened in as the husband  said to his wife, “Dear, we have to make a stand.”  The same guy, as he went up to show his Passport leaned into the guard and said loud enough for most to hear, "Bravo!!!"  



This is from the CA Connect. I think they call this a hazing of sorts. Kind of creepy – huh?  If this thing I'm doing with Christian Associates doesn't work out, I think I might go for the Carnival!!!

Here are some more great pics from Rogier Bos of the Connect Conf.Connect 2010 Pictures

Living Into Movement – Pt 2 – Being a Missional Community

Christ Church fall 05 500-1

 Before I say anything about movement, let me just say that
the weather in Germany is abysmal. It has rained every day that I’ve been here,
and the forecast is grim. The last days of my summer may be spent under gray
skies and wearing jackets. For someone who’s a “fair-weather player” that is
not good news. Nonetheless, I’m making the best of it and am meeting some
wonderful new friends. The Christian Associates world is a fantastic one, and
I’m glad to be a part of.

As I mentioned in one of my last blogs Living into Movement – Pt 1 , I’d like to address
the idea of movement from a biblical perspective. Jesus sent his followers into
the world with certain aspects or charges to guide them. One of those charges
came in John 20. This is post-resurrection. In other words, Christ had been crucified
and rose from the dead, but  at
that time, his followers were unaware that he was alive. They had cloistered
away in fear and trepidation that they would be the next to incur punishment as
a result of following this rebel, the crazy revolutionary. Perhaps they were
concerned that they would be found “guilty by association.” Regardless, he
comes in to their presence and he tells them “peace.” Shalom. He realizes their
fear and their uncertainty and tells them “peace be with you.” And then he says
something that is very important for the church today, “As the Father has sent
me, so I am sending you.” read more

Tall Skinny Kiwi: One of my talks at Global Connect


Such a great week with Christian Associates at their Global Connect gathering. I cant believe they put up with me speaking so many times. What incredible perseverance! Rogier Bos of Next Wave fame was on hand to take some photos like this one.Here's part of my Monday evening talk. The other part included a Bible reading with a Sigur Ros video.

via read more

Andrew Jones at CA’s Connect



Here is Andrew Jones “The Tall Skinny Kiwi” speaking at CA’s Connect in Kirhheim, Germany. He talked about how we can perhaps do more out of our need missionally then if we have all the resources. Embedding in context with our fragility, vulnerability and dependence is a more appropriate posture for mission than one of abundance and strategy. read more

Following the Missional Jesus

"If the Church is to be missional rather than institutional, we must begin with a clear understanding of what that mission is….Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church, the Lord of the Church. Christ cast the only ballot that counts. Since Jesus Christ is the owner of his Church and thus all of its local expressions, we do not get to dream up the mission for our congregation."
Winning on Purpose by John Edmund Kaiser