imagining how the church can reorient around mission

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Living Into Movement – Pt 1


As I said a few posts ago, I will be talking about the idea
of “Movement” over the next few weeks. I’m speaking about this topic at our
CONNECT conference in Germany.

There’s lots of conversation about movement these days. Most
of it has to do with creating “a Movement.” As I’ve heard people say this kind
of thing, I have to admit, I’ve been a bit uneasy. I’m not certain that we
create Movement all. I think we more or less live into movement. Movement
originates and is sustained by God alone. read more

Top Ten Reasons for Hitting the Streets « Uffizi Mission Project


 There are times, like this Wednesday night, that I want to go full on Marvel or DC Comics style prophet.  I have had enough – heard enough stories, seen enough despair.  I don’t want to wait any more.  I don’t want to stall until I carry a harp, and I don’t want anyone else to stall in hopes of some heavenly choir.  I want to see hard work accomplished.  Shalom is hard work – not an ideal that comes easily, yet fully available as a part of God’s historic plan.

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The Making of Movements


 This quote is from a very powerful article written by Tim Keller – it is worth both a read and a study. The new should surely not throw out all that is old. The true genius of leadership is to extract the very best from the old, cut and pasting it into the new without losing the wonder of the organic. As students of the past, we know that an over reaction to the yester-year will leave us needing to learn her lessons again. Rather, lets keep the spaciousness of the organic, yet live with comfort and trust of architecture, shape and form.

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Death: A Confused Friend

A confused friend you are…
    You are cold and separate, yet bold and inviting   I've never wanted you as a friend, we are an uneasy couple.   You come both with tears and reuniting, You come creating distance and promise, You come with both sting and freedom.   A confused friend you are.

I just had to… Tina Fey is Hilarious!

 photo | Brad Pitt, Tina Fey, Will Ferrell

"I'm pretty sure we're
going to meet at some point. I've sent him over 100 letters saying that I'm pretty
sure we're going to meet. And100 chunks of my hair. If that's not a great gift,
then one of us is crazy."
– Tina Fey, who
has yet to meet her
Megamind animated film costar
Brad Pitt 


Planting Churches


 "To fulfill the Great Commission, we need to stop doing ministry by addition and start doing ministry by multiplication…planting churches that plant churches that plant churches the plant churches."
from "Be fruitful and Multiply," by Bob Logan

The De-Churching of Ann Rice

Anne Rice

I’d be interested in getting your feedback on the following
quotes. It’s from famous novelist Ann Rice. She wrote the novel, “Interview with a
Vampire.” A few years back she famously came out with her conversion to
Christianity. Yesterday on Facebook she wrote:

For those who care, and I understand if you don't:
Today I quit being a Christian. I'm out. I remain committed to Christ as always
but not to being "Christian" or to being part of Christianity. It's
simply impossible for me to "belong" to this quarrelsome, hostile,
disputatious, and deservedly infamous group. For ten years, I've tried.
I've failed. I'm an outsider. My conscience will allow nothing else.
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