imagining how the church can reorient around mission

George Whitefield wrote in a letter: “Follow after, but do not run before the blessed Spirit; if you do, although you may benefit others, and God may overrule everything for your own good, yet you will certainly destroy the peace of your own soul.”

When I read the above quote I was struck by how much activity in the church is simply human effort.  Activism is one of the ethics of the new church (a good thing), but often times it is rampant rather than led.  Singer songwriter, Joan Beaz summarized this ethos with the statement, "Action is the antidote to despair."  Doing something, anything, is mostly good.  It can, however, be activity at all cost.  I am as guilty of this as anyone, being wired so tight.  In the church it could almost be perceived as secular pursuit with a Jesus bumper sticker. 

There is a much needed renewed focus on the Lordship of Christ, but honestly, there is little about the dynamic of the Holy Spirit.  I think this really needs to be revisited.  We are not monists.  The work, power and certain leading of the Holy Spirit is critical for a true God movement to "emerge."

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