imagining how the church can reorient around mission

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the doggy attack dance | newfie chronicles 2

I am up early again on another beautiful Spokane morning. The mornings are the best in my city, cool and quiet. The heat of yesterday (high 90’s) has been subdued by the sun disappearing out of sight for a few hours and by the dry Spokane air that makes the hot weather here bearable. 

As I’ve done my morning chores with the dogs and find myself in my yard attempting quiet, I’ve invited my two beasts (Gus and Gordo)  to join me. While reading another chapter from the genuinely inspiring Mary Oliver book, Upstream, I find my two dogs tussling in front of me. At first, I am peeved by the distraction but as I let my mind drift, I find myself entranced by their, at least from my human brain interpreting what is going on, “attack dance.” Everything has a thing that it is supposed to do. Rivers run to the sea; trees grow to the sun and dogs put their mouths on each other (they also poop, pee sniff butts and bark at things that only they can see). They are being very “Dogly” and, are you ready for this…I think I like it. I find myself liking them for the first time in the last 40 hours. They are doing what dogs have always done. read more

a staying missionary

“Live your life as a missions trip.” – Reggie McNeal

I love that quote! It rings of truth. I really aspire to live my life with that focus. read more

my journey | interview from re-story podcast

I have known Mary DeMuth for some time now, as she and her husband Patrick were missionaries in France with the organization I led – Communitas International, formerly Christian Associates. She is a prolific writer, mentor and nationally sought after speaker. She asked if I would spend a bit of time talking about the transitions I’ve had going from a local church leader to the CEO of an international mission and then back to the local church as a planter. I unpacked some of the micro-conversions I have had from inside of the faith. It was a blast to chat with her.

Please let me know what you think about it! read more

me and dogs | a non-political or theological rant

Gus the Bus

Robi and Trey are gone to the mountains, to Kokanee Glacier to explore the wonders of God’s creation. I am so glad for Robi. She really is wired for the outdoors. I say this with as much humility as I can muster, but in one way, one way only, it is a shame she married someone who is just as wired for the city.

As a result of their hiatus, the consequence is I am here stuck with the dogs…errr, livestock. As you may know, we have two Newfie puppies, one ten months and the other ten weeks (pictured). Don’t ask why. The answer is deftly hidden in the universe somewhere. Nevertheless, the person who loves the city is the primary care-giver to two soon to be abnormally large dogs who are, can I say, quite needy. read more


I’m sorry, I have been trying to stay out of the political posts, but I find it unethical and incredibly irresponsible for a wiretapping accusation to be made about a former President and then walk it back like it didn’t happen. So, you can rashly besmirch someone and then just say, “JK?” How long will we or can we tolerate such recklessness and/or tactics? This stuff continues to boggle my mind.

Alternative Politic


If you say you are a Christian, it is not an option – you must begin with theology (who is God, who am I before Him and what does He desire), rather than nationalism or partisanship (what is best for our country or the party I belong to) in discerning how to engage culture. While the latter is important, we must be the best of citizens; it MUST be subjugated to the will and ethic of the Kingdom. The most frightening thing for me is not our new President, or Russia or Islam or Fake News, or some other external influence, though each carry with them a reason for consternation. The thing that frightens me most is the famine of “believers” who recognize the collision of Kingdoms that is taking place around them.

This is unquestionably an indictment on the church for its lack of spiritual formation (a topic for another day). read more

Understand before being Understood

Thanks to my wise wife, I am trying my level best seek to understand before being understood when it comes to folks who have and are endorsing Donald Trump. I am truly trying. That is the reason I stopped posting about the election or Trump some time ago. I would hope that those same people would attempt the same exercise when aggressively speaking out against those who are resisting the incoming president. If you think it is just sour-grapes, you have remarkably missed the reason.

A Call for the Church to Repent


I have long felt like my calling in life has been to help change the mind of the church. Jesus made it clear that he came to proclaim the good news that the Kingdom of God was near. The imperatives related to this declaration were for his followers to believe and repent (Mark 1). Repentance, while it means many things, at its simplest, most rendered definition it means to change one’s mind. I believe that is what the church in the West must do – change its mind regarding its identity.

Part of repentance means to turn from one direction to another. The negative side of the turning happens by deconstructing what has become of the church in what many would call Christendom. Though it is not the thrust of this post, the church must turn from its over-reliance on power and cultural control, it's political co-opting, and it's baptized mimicry of a consumer driven society (Have you visited many churches lately? IMHO, most churches are discipling people further into the consumer life, all the while Jesus actually calls us to deny ourselves and to daily take up our cross). read more